Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dear December,

So it's been over 2 months since I've last written, but here we go.

It's now December and plenty of awesome things have happened. Works been great, relationships strengthen and plenty that have been hanging in the air have been restored/mended and those that don't need to be have been packed away and shipped away to never ever again land. I've gotten that much closure and I'm thankful for that.

On Sunday evening, we had a JAMZ reunion and I have to say, it was better than I had expected it to be. I've missed hanging out with all you girls at the same time so twas refreshing for sure. We went out to Earls and ended up getting the sickest waitress ever (shout to our waitress, Chelsea. Yeah, she was that awesome). She actually served us liqs and took a bunch of pictures for us haha, she knew how to work that tip lol. After dinner, drinks, convos over dinner, we had to go pick my sister up from work, where a bitching fest took place, but ended right when we walked in so that sucked lol, but at least we got to meet her funny co workers and share laughs and jokes with them while listening to the story of what took place. Later on we ended up at Zantot's house where we continued to catch up and then ended up camwhoring on Zana's new laptop webcam lol. Yeah, that part hasn't changed. Just like old times, eh ladies? All in all, I just feel extremely grateful that that day finally came. I've seriously waited years for that day to come and I'm just thankful it did.
I had a blast girls, thanks for everything and many more to come!

On another note, I'm excited for the holidays. Yesterday after work, I went straight home and spent the whole night cleaning everything from my turtle tank to the livingroom downstairs and started to finish up the Christmas tree and then put up some decor around the house. I have to say, I'm not the best at decorating, but I'm really proud of myself for trying and putting in that much effort making the house look pretty. Coming from a lazy person like me, it took a lot, especially 'cause no one from my lovely family wanted to help me, but hey, the house decorations are decent and at least, I'm feeling the Christmas/ holiday spirit. That's all that matters lol.

I feel like I got into the mood a bit too late and I once again, have found myself procrastinating on gifts since I didn't really know what to get anyone, but I'm sure I'll pull it together some how since I seem to have so much faith in myself right now for some strange reason. I actually started my shopping with J on Tuesday night, we got there a little late so I ended up just ended up going to the Pet Habitat to get 'Tello and Porscha stuff, then to Toys 'R Us to get Lucky's gift, XXI to get one thing on my mom's wish list then headed to Red Robin's to satisfy our hunger. So I basically didn't get too much done, therefore I will be returning to the mall tonight after dance to pick up where I left off since the mall closes at 11pm baby! Then I have to go back tomorrow night once I find out who I get for our first ever, Canotal cousins' secret Santa, to buy that person a gift. Oh, and I just realized that it's Kimberly's debut on Saturday already and I still need to buy her gift and other stuff for my outfit!!!!


"Too many things to do with too little time -.-"

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