Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Don't Forget That There Are..

Things to look forward to:

- Fame (out this friday!)
- Mama & Papa's 25th
- The Hills Season Premier! (felt so lost w/o it)
- Cousins' partay!
- Matt & Gerrick's Bday
- Greggy's Bday
- Hova in concert <3
- Jobs woop dee doo
- School (how I miss you)
- Lovely Bones (even though it won't be out for a while)
- you, you, and you (=
- working out more often lol


  1. Lovely Bones.. did you read the book?
    Oo man I want to see that so bad!

  2. I haven't yet, but it is on my to do list. The movie looks sooo good!
